Led Lights - Monogram Custom Homes and Pools

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99% of underwater lights installed in swimming pools are standard, old fashioned, energy hogging incandescent bulbs (i.e. Thomas Edison era.) They last about 1000 hours, and are a hassle to replace. The light fixture needs to be removed from the housing using a screwdriver underwater, lifted to the surface, and a replacement bulb installed.

Monogram’s standard lights are Hayward Colorlogic 2.0 UL approved, LED fixtures which lasts about 50,000 hours instead of only 1000! In addition, these high efficiency lights can save you as much as $150 a year. A 70 watt led produces the equivalent light of a 500 watt incandescent.

Also, if you would like to add a splash of color to your pool lighting, Monogram includes at NO CHARGE color changing LED lights that are controlled by the automation system. Your pool can slowly change colors or different color patterns can be selected such as Party Mode, Romance Mode, or Sunset mode. You can also select any solid color.

In addition, for an amazing nighttime effect, we can supply low voltage landscape lights for around your pool to highlight your landscaping that will color change in sync with your pool lights.


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    Saturday - Sunday: Closed #1 In ground Swimming Pool
    Builder in Lehigh County
    We are located in Coopersburg but we serve all Lehigh valley including Allentown, Bethlehem, Bucks County, Easton, Lehigh County, Nazareth, Northampton County, Northeast and Saucon Valley Contact Us For a Quote 610-282-0237 Contact Social Media 610-282-0235 5171 West Hopewell Rd.
    Center Valley, PA 18034
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