Free Guide10 steps to the PERFECT pool
Discover the EASY way to get the PERFECT pool you’ve always dreamed about having.
A pool pump is the single most inefficient piece of equipment on your pool. Standard induction motors operating at high speeds on pumps that are usually oversized are huge energy hogs.
Sizing a pump correctly and using a state of the art, computer controlled permanent magnet pump (like used in hybrid cars) such as the Hayward Tristar can cut your energy usage by as much as 90%.
In addition, the Hayward Tristar is the QUIETEST pool pump in the world and can cost only $0.49 a day instead of over $3.00 for a traditional, oversized pool pump. That is literally hundreds and hundreds of dollars of savings a year. Imagine spending only $300 a season to operate a pool pump instead of $1100.That is an $800 savings!
The Hayward Tristar also allows for different programmable speeds that automatically change based on what is operating in your pool. For example, low speed for daily filtration, high speed for a waterfall/spillway feature or ultra high speed for spa jet therapy and faster filtering time (for example, after a party.)
For virtually all applications, the optimum pump speed will be lower than the pre-set, unchangeable speeds of older pumps. Using slower speeds takes advantage of a fundamental pump characteristic: by going slower, power consumption is reduced. When pump speeds are reduced by half, energy consumption is just one-eighth of what was previously used. The result is additional savings – potentially up to 90% compared to even so-called high efficiency single-speed, two-speed and multi-speed pumps.
How could something as simple as a pvc elbow improve pool efficiency and lower energy costs?
Monogram uses sweep 90° elbows instead of the more readily available standard 90° elbows wherever possible. A standard 90° elbow adds the equivalent friction loss of 6′ of straight pipe. A sweep 90° lowers that friction loss by 50%. On an average pool, our pump sizing calculations can be based on about 200′ less pipe than a pool using the standard, restrictive elbows. Your pump will not have to work as hard, which equates to longer life and lower cost.
Regular restrictive 90° elbow:
Sweep 90° with 50% less restriction:
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Discover the EASY way to get the PERFECT pool you’ve always dreamed about having.